Hi, I'm so glad you're here! My name is Emily. I am a wife, to my best friend Jesse, and mother of dragons (I mean boys, :). Max is 13, Henry is 8 and Ethan is 6. I picked up my first camera in high school. I just loved everything about it. The feel of it in my hand, the sounds of the shutter, what I saw through lens and most importantly how it made me feel to take photographs. I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a Bachelors Degree in Film Studies. I met so many artistic and inspiring people there that just fueled my passion for capturing moments in time. After all, we don't take photographs for ourselves. We take them for our children and our children's children.

5 Random Facts About Me  

  1. I must have coffee. Every. Single. Day.

  2. I love a good true crime podcast but hate anything scary at Halloween.

  3. Fall is my favorite.

  4. Probably listening to Taylor Swift.

  5. I am a huge Harry Potter fan!